CORE #06 – Jesus is Lord and Messiah (Part 1)

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  • Here’s the argument for why Jesus is Lord and Messiah
  1. If Jesus claimed to be a divine messiah, then his claims were TRUE or FALSE.
  2. Jesus claimed to be a divine messiah.
  3. If his claims were FALSE, then he knew they were false or didn’t know they were false.
  4. If he knew they were false, then he was a liar.
  5. If he didn’t know they were false, he was a lunatic (crazy, deluded, and so forth).
  6. Jesus was not a liar or a lunatic.
  7. So, his claims were not FALSE. (from 3, 4, 5, and 6)
  8. So, his claims to be a divine messiah were true. (from 1 and 7)
  9. If someone is our divine messiah, then He is our Lord and Messiah.
  10. So, Jesus is our Lord and Messiah. (from 8 and 9)
  • Against the Liar hypothesis, there does not seem to be motivation for the lie. Why go to the grave with a lie rather than preserve ones own life?
  • Against the Lunatic hypothesis, this doesn’t seem to match the Jesus of the Gospels. Wouldn’t his closest followers have figured out he was just crazy and left him?
  • Against the Legend hypothesis, I cite a bunch of sources and resources. Those are listed in the next section.

Resources Mentioned

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