CORE #01 – 7 Thoughts on Discussing Arguments and Evidence

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Quick Tip

  • Before studying an apologetic topic, pray for the grace to focus on that topic for a specific amount of time.
  • Sample: “Lord, please help me to focus on the topic of Your Existence as I study for an hour. Give me the grace to learn new things about you and to retain that information.”  

Show Outline

  • The 7 Thoughts on Discussing Arguments and Evidence
  1. Assertions, even bold ones, are not arguments.
  2. Evidence is not to be judged solely by how it is received.
  3. Faith is a gift, but evidence is not worthless.
  4. Religious beliefs are not mere personal preference or opinion.
  5. There are different kinds of arguments you can make.
  6. Distinguish the arguments from the person making the arguments.
  7. Whenever possible, ask questions rather than make statements, at least initially.

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